Saturday, June 12, 2010

Christopher Michael Handcrafted Chocolates

I first found out about Christopher Michael Handcrafted Chocolates last week at the Wine Lab in Newport Beach, and decided to stop by the store to check out what his chocolates are all about. I was floored by the variety of hand-painted chocolates that are available there.

I even found myself buying as much in chocolate as I would buy in groceries at Costco, especially the sizzling bacon chocolate... Yeah, Chris' stuff is that good!

 Chris at his store.

Also found out that he is the Chocolatier to The Grammy Awards and The Academy Awards. He's been featured on the Today Show, CBS Early Show, Extra!, and Fox & Friends. Great job Chris!

Visit him at or just show up at his store at 2346 Newport Blvd in Costa Mesa.

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